Archive For The “cats and humans” Category

Cat-egories and Hair-archies – What your cats can teach you

Cat-egories and Hair-archies – What your cats can teach you

What your cats can teach you about “Cat-egories and Hair-archies”  If you never had a cat of your own or you didn’t give your cat much attention, you will never realize what enormous amount of things your cat can teach you. What HUMANS do: Think back in your life: How often did you get angry…

Your cat – a descendent of the sacred and magic animal in history – by Els Vink

Your cat – a descendent of the sacred and magic animal in history – by Els Vink

Cats and human history – as explained by Els Vink Cats were considered a magic animal in many cultures, like Egypt and others. your cat is a descendant of that sacred and magical animal in human history. Els Vink, a superb painter living in Italy, is inspired by the history of cats and shares with you…

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