Archive For The “experience and learning” Category

Cat personalities: cats are not just cats!

Cat personalities: cats are not just cats!

Before I got introduced to the magic world of normal house cats, I though that cats are just catsI Some people say, cats are false and they try to scratch you whenever you come near them and that this is just how cats are. Presently I live with 5 cats after having had more than…

When cat sings opera

When cat sings opera

A cat sings? Well, you might say, maybe in cartoons. Yes, there are some funny ones, but the other day our cat Rosenmund, also called “Mundl” or simply “Red”, for obvious reasons, sang aloud in a way I have never heard a cat sing.   The Red Cat’s Morning  Song Actually, every morning he exhibits…

Usbeka – the grey cat who lived an adventurous life

Usbeka – the grey cat who lived an adventurous life

You love cats? – so have some more! For many years people saw me as a cat-lover. I had many cats, up to 16 sometimes and so they thought I wouldn’t mind having some more to care for. One day, a distant friend of mine brought me 3 kittens which she had found in Rome,…

A love letter to Sunnyboy by Mark Davenport

A love letter to Sunnyboy by Mark Davenport

The following article is a love letter to Sunnyboy which Mark wrote and published in another website of ours a few months after Sunny’s arrival in our house Early on a chilly morning this November as Heidi and I were crawling into the car, I heard a tiny mew coming from across the street where…

Heavy like a feather – the story of Pallino

Heavy like a feather – the story of Pallino

Heavy like a feather: but feathers aren’t heavy, are they? No, you might think, they are light and volatile, but they can be very voluminous when you think about geese down. That’s why I thought of comparing Pallino with a feather because he was white like geese down and voluminous, for sure. He was like a…

When your cat is limping – what can you do?

When your cat is limping – what can you do?

When your cat comes home and is limping, how would you react? Are you preoccupied and will you run to the vet immediately? In most cases this might not be necessary and when you have some experience with cats who live outside, then you know that, sometimes, they climb up trees and then have a…

The importance of TRUST

The importance of TRUST

Trust – an important factor in our relationship with animals. When we talk about “trust” we normally think about human relationships, between friends or family. But it is not so much different with animals, surprisingly. Today I want to tell you about my learning curve with trust regarding my animals. Almost 30 years ago, when…

The Heroic Life of Fat Black

The Heroic Life of Fat Black

Certainly, “Fat Black” hasn’t always been his name. To the contrary, he has changed his name several times. He was born as one of the five kids of grandma Trixi as the only black one in a litter of red and white kittens. Initially, he was called “Nero”, the Italian equivalent for black. Then, one…

The many things which can go wrong in life –  human beings vs. animals

The many things which can go wrong in life – human beings vs. animals

Human beings have the tendency to believe that they are victims of what happens to them. There are those who attribute all the things which can go wrong in their lives to a divine plan (and subsequently get angry with God and end up being Atheists). And then there are those who believe that they…

What cats can teach us about emotions

What cats can teach us about emotions

We humans often have a hard time when it comes to emotions. Most of us in the western world were educated to not show our emotions, to suppress them, or better, not have them at all. But we are emotional creatures like all mammals whether we like it or not. Animals don’t have a way…

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