Author Archive

A love letter to Sunnyboy by Mark Davenport

A love letter to Sunnyboy by Mark Davenport

The following article is a love letter to Sunnyboy which Mark wrote and published in another website of ours a few months after Sunny’s arrival in our house Early on a chilly morning this November as Heidi and I were crawling into the car, I heard a tiny mew coming from across the street where…

The Emergence of a Political Cat – by Steve Walker

The Emergence of a Political Cat – by Steve Walker

TWOTOES HIDING UNDER A DOOR WATCHING OTHER CATS GO BY   When we thought he was a SHE Twotoes was a mild-mannered funny little character who liked to pose for pictures, but starting from the moment we properly identified him as a tomcat Twotoes turned into a pugnacious battler. Here she is moments after a…

Don’t worry, that’s me!” – the Story of Sunnyboy

Don’t worry, that’s me!” – the Story of Sunnyboy

This is the story of Sunnyboy, the foundling who conquered everyone’s hearts – and caused the death of my most beloved cat Tommy (read the tragic story of Tommy here). The newcomer claims his place One November morning we were on the way home from our weekly Pilates lesson when Mark stopped and asked me:…

Does My Cat Like Me? – That Is The Question

Does My Cat Like Me? – That Is The Question

Did you ever ask yourself the question: Does my cat like me? Well, I did and sometimes I was sure, sometimes not so much. Today I I would like to share with you letter from Evelyn with exactly this question – inviting you to give your 2 cents!  This is a letter from Evelyn: I know…

Your cat – a descendent of the sacred and magic animal in history – by Els Vink

Your cat – a descendent of the sacred and magic animal in history – by Els Vink

Cats and human history – as explained by Els Vink Cats were considered a magic animal in many cultures, like Egypt and others. your cat is a descendant of that sacred and magical animal in human history. Els Vink, a superb painter living in Italy, is inspired by the history of cats and shares with you…

Cats love Summer – I love cats and summer

Cats love Summer – I love cats and summer

Summer memories   This is a moment in August 2016 when it was hot in Italy. I love cats, you can see it. And I know, cats love summer, too. But having a heavy fur is not so comfortable when it is hot.   Luzzy the white orange cat, has a very dense fur and…

How I learned to climb a tree  – by Ella Falgren

How I learned to climb a tree – by Ella Falgren

This is a story by Ella Falgren about how she learned to climb a tree – why? You probably already guess why! Sometimes we feel like living in a circus managing our dear animals. And here is a story about a CAT CIRCUS   Huntsham and the Hunters A few years ago when I lived…

Early experience in a cat’s life – and what happens later

Early experience in a cat’s life – and what happens later

We know that early life experiences are shaping the later life of a human being. But is that valid also for a cat’s life? Pets are emotional beings, very much like their owners, and so why should their life be very much different from the emotional point of view? Today I want to talk about “Schneeweißchen” –…

Brendie’s baby girl talks about her life as a black cat

Brendie’s baby girl talks about her life as a black cat

If you want to know how your cat thinks about her life with you: read this article of the cat-lover Brendie . She allows her baby girl to talk about her life – as a black cat. Yes, BABY GIRL is an adorable black cat and you will find many similarities to your own cat. Maybe…

After the nap with the blind kittie

After the nap with the blind kittie

Our cats enjoy to have a nap with us. Very often they stroll around until they find a place which they like and where they feel safe. Very often that is on my breast or on Mark’s belly. Here a very short clip of the blind cat KITTIE who needs to get oriented, somehow, understanding…

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