Archive For The “photos and videos” Category

Cat personalities: cats are not just cats!

Cat personalities: cats are not just cats!

Before I got introduced to the magic world of normal house cats, I though that cats are just catsI Some people say, cats are false and they try to scratch you whenever you come near them and that this is just how cats are. Presently I live with 5 cats after having had more than…

Our wild cat brothers

Our wild cat brothers

A brief hello from Luzzy, Sunny, Kittie, Red and Grandma Trixi! Our Mom hasn’t written any story about us lately although we are as brave as always in jumping on tables, throwing down flower pots, spraying against curtains, pooping outside the box and much more. Today we saw this short video about our wild brothers,…

The importance of TRUST

The importance of TRUST

Trust – an important factor in our relationship with animals. When we talk about “trust” we normally think about human relationships, between friends or family. But it is not so much different with animals, surprisingly. Today I want to tell you about my learning curve with trust regarding my animals. Almost 30 years ago, when…

The many things which can go wrong in life –  human beings vs. animals

The many things which can go wrong in life – human beings vs. animals

Human beings have the tendency to believe that they are victims of what happens to them. There are those who attribute all the things which can go wrong in their lives to a divine plan (and subsequently get angry with God and end up being Atheists). And then there are those who believe that they…

When your cat needs to go to the Vet.

When your cat needs to go to the Vet.

Even young and robust cats need to, sometimes, go to the vet, and normally they are not very excited about it. Mainly because they don’t know the place and are fearful of the unknown, or they know it already well and they might connect with it unpleasant experiences.   Sunny at the vet – watch…

Cats and music – Katzenmusik?

Cats and music – Katzenmusik?

Cats and music – do cats like music? Do you like music? And do your cats like the same type of music? Maybe you have never thought about it, but animals are as much influenced by sound as humans are. And, actually, even plants have favorite types of music, believe it or not! But back…

Do cats love music?

Do cats love music?

Cats definitely love music – and this has inspired many people to create images or videos, even to write music for them and with them. In one of my next posts you will find amazing examples for this: stay tuned and  Enjoy the gifs in the meantime! Thanks to

The cat who came in from the cold

The cat who came in from the cold

The cat who successfully entered into the indoor circle We humans like to have a warm home in winter, right?  We think that animals have fur and therefore don’t feel cold. Wrong! Today I want to tell you the story of the cat who came in from the cold – after 13 years of putting…

Don’t worry, that’s me!” – the Story of Sunnyboy

Don’t worry, that’s me!” – the Story of Sunnyboy

This is the story of Sunnyboy, the foundling who conquered everyone’s hearts – and caused the death of my most beloved cat Tommy (read the tragic story of Tommy here). The newcomer claims his place One November morning we were on the way home from our weekly Pilates lesson when Mark stopped and asked me:…

The singing cats delight the world

The singing cats delight the world

THE SINGING AND DANCING CATS Singing cats? Sure! Don’t you remember the huge success of the musical “CATS” where such a huge bunch of them were singing and dancing, fighting and loving just like humans. These creatures truly delight the world – even so many years after the first presentation in the West End Theatre in…

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